Our Goal

We aim for a better understanding of the impact that our operations have on the environment, and to adopt practices based on sustainability goals to minimize the carbon emissions. 

Understanding the Environmental issues

A carbon footprint is defined as the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community. These emissions become the primary perpetrator for causing the ‘greenhouse’ effect and subsequently global warming.

Climate change is a direct result of the ever-increasing global warming, altering our planet drastically. For one, climate change is the reason behind the extreme weather events like wildfires, heat waves, draughts, and tropical storms. As a result, crop production is affected, animals’ natural habitats are disrupted and more.

Importance of Sustainable Initiatives 

As environmental issues have started to surface as realities, sustainability initiatives are gaining momentum. A growing number of companies have started to realize the importance of applying sustainable solutions in their operations. It is crucial for organizations to measure the environmental impact of their logistics operations in order to implement successful, company-wide sustainability initiatives minimizing the environmental impact of products and services.

At JHM, we understand the drastic effects of carbon emissions to the environment. Since the transport and shipping of goods is responsible for a large percentage of greenhouse gas emissions, JHM Group had an even bigger responsibility. Fuel consumption, maritime transport and refrigeration of goods are energy intensive and costly.

JHM Group recognizes the importance of sustainability and rigorously applied the best practices to minimize their carbon emissions. These practices are appreciated by our customers and investors, leading to cost savings and a resilient reputation.

Practices we have adopted

Moving towards zero waste:

The process of production, transportation, consumption, and disposal of products accounts for almost half of the carbon emissions. At JHM, a zero-waste approach has been implemented to minimize these emissions. Starting with a thorough assessment of JHM’s current waste generation to the management and disposal. After identifying the waste source, how often it is produced and where it is sent off, waste reduction strategies are designed to either set waste diversion, reduction and even prevention.

Using Renewable Energy Resources:

Given the finite nature of fossil fuels and oils, as well as the climbing prices, JHM has started to shift towards renewable fuels and energy sources. Not only that, at JHM we consider the resources which are consumed and are always working to reduce energy consumption.

Educate and engage employees:

At JHM, we believe that one of the most powerful ways to make our workforce more carbon accountable is by involving the employees and engaging them to the cause. The employees are educated on carbon accountability, with a stress to adopt habits for a healthier environment.